The tree deliberately drinks less,

preserving precious liquid for other creatures.

Willing life with less water,

the tree does not wither.


It turns this pause from its summer quench

into a splendid sharing of its own fortune,

proclaiming its true colors in brilliant glory.

In its letting go of its fullest thirst

it gives us beauty upon which we feast! What a gift!


And so it is in the process of resolving conflict,

be it within us or between people.

We need not restrict that which sustains us,

but may take time to re-evaluate

and accept the new season in our lives.


At the time we let go of beliefs

that are no longer useful for this time in our lives,

(though they may have long fueled us)

we experience freedom of expression

reflective of our own honesty.


The rigor of this reflection transforms tension into peace;

relaxing body, mind, and heart,

bestowing a magnificence that gifts the people around us.


Wishing you quiet moments to take in

the days of autumn. to breathe its air and beauty,

to see the colors of your true self

and to come into the fullness of your own splendor.